The desire for a rhinoplasty has existed for years. Often a modest correction is requested; that is, not a completely different nose. With adjustments that are inconspicuous to the surroundings, it is possible to beautify and/or reduce the size of the nose. The character of one's own nose is preserved.
What is rhinoplasty (a 'nose job')?
Rhinoplasty can change and adjust the shape of the nose ridge, the tip of the nose and the septum. The upper part of the nose is part of the skull and consists of bone. The lower part consists of cartilage. The nose's shape and tip are, therefore, mainly determined by the cartilage.
The ridge can be lowered and narrowed. The tip can be reduced, tilted up or down, and the nose can be made more or less protruding. The nasal alae ('wings') and the nostrils can be reduced. The procedure can be performed from the inside and the outside. All scars heal excellently and are often barely visible after 3 months. I will discuss the various possible procedures on this page.
Treatment options
Several nose procedures can have a significant effect. I can make the tip or the nasal alae smaller, remove a bump from the nose ridge or refine the entire nose evenly. The most appropriate treatment is determined individually during one or more consultations. The patient and I will look at the before and after photos of patients who have undergone similar procedures that I performed.

Who is this treatment suitable for?
A rhinoplasty is particularly successful if there is a visible abnormality in the shape of the ridge or tip and/or the septum. Adjusting a well-proportioned nose is a much more difficult task. The nose must be fully grown, which is why there is a minimum age of 18 for these procedures. However, in some cases, an exception to that rule is possible. What matters most is the patient's biological age and the complete growth of the septum. We also look at the individual's wishes and expectations and how they can be translated into a treatment plan.
Septoplasty (septum correction)
A skewed nose and uneven nostrils often indicate a nasal septum deformity. This can cause problems, including a frequently blocked nose and breathing issues on one side. During puberty, the septum may have grown too far, causing a septum deviation due to lack of space. A fall or collision can also lead to a deviated septum. During the procedure, part of the septum is removed, reducing the curve and improving the airflow.
Rhinophyma (‘potato nose’)
Rhinophyma is a chronic inflammation of blocked sebaceous glands that leads to irregular thickening (hypertrophy) of the nose, the nose tip and/or the nose alae. A surgical procedure removes part of the thickened skin layer. This results in a deep abrasion that heals in one to two weeks, after which the glands can start secreting their sebum, and the skin can calm down.

Rhinoplasty treatment
During the first consultation, I'll assess the nose, discuss the patient's wishes and expectations, and give the most suitable advice. My patients always know exactly what improvement they want. They have likely been looking/assessing their nose for years and have developed an increasingly more precise picture of their desired look. My job is to reduce any high expectations to realistic proportions and translate them into the best surgical plan. With the help of photographs and a careful assessment, I make sure I understand your wishes. I do not use Photoshop; I think tools like that create an image that is too perfect and unrealistic. Instead, I prefer to show pictures of previous patients with similar noses that I have operated on. My assistant will be present at the meeting and will provide further information about the costs, scheduling, and clinic logistics.
The surgery
The procedure takes place under general anaesthesia. You always go home the same day, even if a more extensive septum correction is required. You wake up with a bandage over the nose ridge, three small stitches in the nose ridge and two short foam-like tampons in your nostrils. Minor corrections can be performed via the nostrils. For most corrections to the nose ridge, nose tip and septum, a small incision is made in the ridge between the nostrils; the rest of the procedure takes place inside the nose. This approach allows the modification of the bony nose ridge, the cartilage, the tip and the septum. The small external scar heals well and is hardly visible after three months.
After the surgery
The morning after the procedure, you can remove the nasal tampons so you can breathe freely again. The tampons are short and are easy to remove. During the first week, the nose, and the tip in particular, is very swollen. You have a follow-up appointment after one week so we can remove the bandages and the three small stitches from the nose ridge. The worst swelling will have gone down, and the result is already visible. When the nose bone has been narrowed, there may be residual bruising. In the months that follow, the nose will shrink a little further. The total recovery time of a rhinoplasty procedure varies and depends on the scope of the procedure and the individual patient. After the procedure, you may also want to consider that there may be some comments from your environment. I will gladly prepare you for this so that you can recover in peace.
Rhinoplasty before and after photos

Rhinoplasty before and after photographs give you a good picture of the effects of nasal surgery on different types of noses.
before and after photographs of nasal surgery .
What complications may occur after a rhinoplasty?
Complications after a rhinoplasty are not very common. Swelling is not a complication. The worst swelling is gone after one week. Bruising around the eyes can occur if the nose bone is narrowed. This will fade within a few weeks. Infection is extremely rare because an antibiotic is administered during surgery. Nose bleeds may occur now and then.
In some cases, there will be minor bleeding after removing the nasal tampons the morning after the procedure. This will stop within a few minutes. Severe bleeding is rare. Nasal congestion and discomfort when breathing through your nose are common in the first weeks. This is due to the swelling and wound scabs inside the nose. Rinsing with salt water will improve your ability to breathe. Most of the scars are made on the inside of the nose. After healing, the small scar on the ridge of the nose is almost invisible. The most significant risk is that the rhinoplasty result may not be what you expected. I try to avoid this by providing a good assessment, fair information and realistic prediction upfront.
What is rhinoplasty (a 'nose job')?
Rhinoplasty can change and adjust the shape of the nose ridge, the tip of the nose and the septum. The upper part of the nose is part of the skull and consists of bone. The lower part consists of cartilage. The nose's shape and tip are, therefore, mainly determined by the cartilage.
The ridge can be lowered and narrowed. The tip can be reduced, tilted up or down, and the nose can be made more or less protruding. The nasal alae ('wings') and the nostrils can be reduced. The procedure can be performed from the inside and the outside. All scars heal excellently and are often barely visible after 3 months. I will discuss the various possible procedures on this page.
Treatment options
Several nose procedures can have a significant effect. I can make the tip or the nasal alae smaller, remove a bump from the nose ridge or refine the entire nose evenly. The most appropriate treatment is determined individually during one or more consultations. The patient and I will look at the before and after photos of patients who have undergone similar procedures that I performed.

Who is this treatment suitable for?
A rhinoplasty is particularly successful if there is a visible abnormality in the shape of the ridge or tip and/or the septum. Adjusting a well-proportioned nose is a much more difficult task. The nose must be fully grown, which is why there is a minimum age of 18 for these procedures. However, in some cases, an exception to that rule is possible. What matters most is the patient's biological age and the complete growth of the septum. We also look at the individual's wishes and expectations and how they can be translated into a treatment plan.
Septoplasty (septum correction)
A skewed nose and uneven nostrils often indicate a nasal septum deformity. This can cause problems, including a frequently blocked nose and breathing issues on one side. During puberty, the septum may have grown too far, causing a septum deviation due to lack of space. A fall or collision can also lead to a deviated septum. During the procedure, part of the septum is removed, reducing the curve and improving the airflow.
Rhinophyma (‘potato nose’)
Rhinophyma is a chronic inflammation of blocked sebaceous glands that leads to irregular thickening (hypertrophy) of the nose, the nose tip and/or the nose alae. A surgical procedure removes part of the thickened skin layer. This results in a deep abrasion that heals in one to two weeks, after which the glands can start secreting their sebum, and the skin can calm down.

Rhinoplasty treatment
During the first consultation, I'll assess the nose, discuss the patient's wishes and expectations, and give the most suitable advice. My patients always know exactly what improvement they want. They have likely been looking/assessing their nose for years and have developed an increasingly more precise picture of their desired look. My job is to reduce any high expectations to realistic proportions and translate them into the best surgical plan. With the help of photographs and a careful assessment, I make sure I understand your wishes. I do not use Photoshop; I think tools like that create an image that is too perfect and unrealistic. Instead, I prefer to show pictures of previous patients with similar noses that I have operated on. My assistant will be present at the meeting and will provide further information about the costs, scheduling, and clinic logistics.
The surgery
The procedure takes place under general anaesthesia. You always go home the same day, even if a more extensive septum correction is required. You wake up with a bandage over the nose ridge, three small stitches in the nose ridge and two short foam-like tampons in your nostrils. Minor corrections can be performed via the nostrils. For most corrections to the nose ridge, nose tip and septum, a small incision is made in the ridge between the nostrils; the rest of the procedure takes place inside the nose. This approach allows the modification of the bony nose ridge, the cartilage, the tip and the septum. The small external scar heals well and is hardly visible after three months.
After the surgery
The morning after the procedure, you can remove the nasal tampons so you can breathe freely again. The tampons are short and are easy to remove. During the first week, the nose, and the tip in particular, is very swollen. You have a follow-up appointment after one week so we can remove the bandages and the three small stitches from the nose ridge. The worst swelling will have gone down, and the result is already visible. When the nose bone has been narrowed, there may be residual bruising. In the months that follow, the nose will shrink a little further. The total recovery time of a rhinoplasty procedure varies and depends on the scope of the procedure and the individual patient. After the procedure, you may also want to consider that there may be some comments from your environment. I will gladly prepare you for this so that you can recover in peace.
Rhinoplasty before and after photos

Rhinoplasty before and after photographs give you a good picture of the effects of nasal surgery on different types of noses.
before and after photographs of nasal surgery .
What complications may occur after a rhinoplasty?
Complications after a rhinoplasty are not very common. Swelling is not a complication. The worst swelling is gone after one week. Bruising around the eyes can occur if the nose bone is narrowed. This will fade within a few weeks. Infection is extremely rare because an antibiotic is administered during surgery. Nose bleeds may occur now and then.
In some cases, there will be minor bleeding after removing the nasal tampons the morning after the procedure. This will stop within a few minutes. Severe bleeding is rare. Nasal congestion and discomfort when breathing through your nose are common in the first weeks. This is due to the swelling and wound scabs inside the nose. Rinsing with salt water will improve your ability to breathe. Most of the scars are made on the inside of the nose. After healing, the small scar on the ridge of the nose is almost invisible. The most significant risk is that the rhinoplasty result may not be what you expected. I try to avoid this by providing a good assessment, fair information and realistic prediction upfront.
Request an online consultation
Thinking about getting plastic surgery? I can understand if you want an initial no-obligation opinion prior to a consultation at the clinic. Send your question with any photo and you will receive my answer by email.