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The result is what counts. To get a clear picture of the outcomes, it can be interesting to look at before and after photos. The right advice, coupled with the right personal attention and decades of experience, have resulted in very satisfied people for decades.


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Facelift and necklift Upper- and lower eyelid lift Eyelid correction or forehead lift Prominent ear correction Nose correction Chin correction
Volume restoration by deep-plane facelift improves also the neck
Volume restoration by deep-plane facelift improves also the neck
Nose reduction and chin enlargement with an implant balance the facial profile
Nose reduction and chin enlargement with an implant balance the facial profile
Volume restoration, correction of the jawline and improvement of the skin
Volume restoration, correction of the jawline and improvement of the skin
Upwards tilting of the tip of the nose
Upwards tilting of the tip of the nose
A natural result of a forehead lift without eyelid surgery
A natural result of a forehead lift without eyelid surgery
Significant elevation of the forehead and brows
Significant elevation of the forehead and brows
Improvement of the eyelids after forehead lift
Improvement of the eyelids after forehead lift
A shorter forehead, less wrinkles and elevated brows result in a relaxed and open look
A shorter forehead, less wrinkles and elevated brows result in a relaxed and open look
Too much projection of the nasal tip
Decrease in projection of the nasal tip
Decrease in projection of the nasal tip relaxes the nostrils
Decrease in projection of the nasal tip relaxes the nostrils
The nose has to much projection
Reduction of too much forward projection
Sharp edges of the dorsum
Sharp edges of the dorsum
Treatment of a boxy tip
Treatment of a boxy tip
The bags under the eyes make the tear trough deeper
The bags under the eyes make the tear trough deeper
The dark circles are caused by the shadow of the bags in de lower eyelids
The dark circles are caused by the shadow of the bags in de lower eyelids
Correction of the upper and lower eyelids
Correction of the upper and lower eyelids
Correcting protruding ears improves appearance
Correcting protruding ears improves appearance
Re-do or secondary ear correction
Re-do or secondary ear correction
One-sided protruding ear
One-sided protruding ear
Correction of protruding ears at a young age
Correction of protruding ears at a young age
Although his self-confidence does not seem to suffer, correcting the ears improves his appearance
Although his self-confidence does not seem to suffer, correcting the ears improves his appearance
Correction of the edge of the auricle
Correction of the edge of the auricle
Correction of a protruding earlobe
Correction of a protruding earlobe
Correction of protruding ears and earlobes
Correction of protruding ears and earlobes
Reconstruction and closure of the earlobes
Reconstruction and closure of the earlobes
Reconstruction and closure of the earlobe (close-up)
Reconstruction and closure of the earlobe (close-up)
Correction of protruding ears in an adult
Correction of protruding ears in an adult
Forehead lift in a man with a receding hairline. The scar is placed over de forehead in the superior wrinkle
Forehead lift in a man with a receding hairline. The scar is placed over de forehead in the superior wrinkle
In some cases a forehead lift looks like a facelift
In some cases a forehead lift looks like a facelift
After the lift there is no more need for an eyelid correction. The scar of the forehead lift is placed at the hairline
After the lift there is no more need for an eyelid correction. The scar of the forehead lift is placed at the hairline
Reduction of the tip of the nose
Reduction of the tip of the nose
Correction of the deviated septum
Correction of the deviated septum
Reduction en elevation of the tip
Reduction en elevation of the tip
Reduction of the nostrils
Reduction of the nostrils
Reduction and elevation of the tip
Reduction and elevation of the tip
Reduction of the nose
Reduction of the nose
Lowering the bridge of the nose makes the tip more visible
Lowering the bridge of the nose makes the tip more visible
Straightening of the dorsum and upward rotation of the tip os the nose
Straightening of the dorsum and upward rotation of the tip os the nose
Upward rotation of the drooping nose tip
Upward rotation of the drooping nose tip
After the lift the forehead becomes shorter, has less wrinkles and is more relaxed
After the lift the forehead becomes shorter, has less wrinkles and is more relaxed
Correction of an angry look by lifting the inner brow
Correction of an angry look by lifting the inner brow
Chin augmentation and correction of the neck
Chin augmentation and correction of the neck
A stronger jawline after a chin implant
A stronger jawline after a chin implant
Extensive correction of the bridge, the tip and the septum
Extensive correction of the bridge, the tip and the septum
The subtle result is based on a modest lift and volume restoration
The subtle result is based on a modest lift and volume restoration
Forehead and browlift. An upper eyelid correction in this case would have resulted in a dark look
Forehead and browlift. An upper eyelid correction in this case would have resulted in a dark look
The ratio between the nose and the chin is more balanced after the chin implant
The ratio between the nose and the chin is more balanced after the chin implant
The facial profile is more balanced after the chin implant
The facial profile is more balanced after the chin implant
Chin implant and contouring of the neck by liposuction
Chin implant and contouring of the neck by liposuction
The implant is placed through the inside of the lower lip
The implant is placed through the inside of the lower lip
Chin implant and liposculpture of the neck
Chin implant and liposculpture of the neck
Straightening of the dorsum and elevating the tip
Straightening of the dorsum and elevating the tip
Straightening the dorsum and improving projection
Straightening the dorsum and improving projection
Refining the tip and improving projection
Refining the tip and improving projection
Refining the tip by reduction of the tip cartilages
Refining the tip by reduction of the tip cartilages
Reduction of a so-called tension nose and definition of the tip
Reduction of a so-called tension nose and definition of the tip
Reduction of a dorsal hump
Reduction of a dorsal hump
After correction, the tip of the nose is no longer pulled down when smiling
After correction, the tip of the nose is no longer pulled down when smiling
Lowering and narrowing the bony and cartilaginous bridge of the nose and refining the nasal tip
Lowering and narrowing the bony and cartilaginous bridge of the nose and refining the nasal tip
Lowering and narrowing the bridge of the nose and refining the nasal tip
Lowering and narrowing the bridge of the nose and refining the nasal tip
Secondary surgery and re-do of the nose
Secondary surgery and re-do of the nose
Lowering of the dorsum and upwards tilting of the tip
Lowering of the dorsum and upwards tilting of the tip
Low sideburn
The scar lies behind the hairline of the sideburn
Long-term wear of contact lenses can lead tot ptosis
Long-term wear of contact lenses can lead tot ptosis
Rejuvenation of the eyelid by repositioning of the "lid-cheek junction"
Rejuvenation of the eyelid by repositioning of the "lid-cheek junction"
Restoration of volume, of the jawline, of skin texture en improvement of the neck
Restoration of volume, of the jawline, of skin texture en improvement of the neck
Facelift and improvement of the neck
Facelift and improvement of the neck
Improvement of the jawline and the neck
Improvement of the jawline and the neck
Lower eyelid correction (transconjunctival technique)
Lower eyelid correction (transconjunctival technique)
Lipofilling can be added tot the facelift in order to improve the texture of the skin
Lipofilling can be added tot the facelift in order to improve the texture of the skin
Increased volume as a result of the facelift
Increased volume as a result of the facelift
Reduction of the bags of the lower eyelid
Reduction of the bags of the lower eyelid
Reduction of the bags of the lower eyelid
Reduction of the bags of the lower eyelid
In some cases the contour of the neck can be improved by liposuction. This treatment is often combined with a facelift.
In some cases the contour of the neck can be improved by liposuction. This treatment is often combined with a facelift.
Improvement of the contour of the lower eyelid
Improvement of the contour of the lower eyelid
Restoration of volume and improvement of the jawline and the neck
Restoration of volume and improvement of the jawline and the neck
Restoration of volume and improvement of the jawline and the neck
Restoration of volume and improvement of the jawline and the neck
Forehead and browlift
Forehead and browlift
Extreme low eyebrows and headache
Treatment of extreme low eyebrows and headache
Shortening of the muscle that raises the upper eyelid (ptosis)
Shortening of the muscle that raises the upper eyelid (ptosis)
Shortening of the muscle that raises the upper eyelid (ptosis)
Shortening of the muscle that raises the upper eyelid (ptosis)
Correction of a turtle neck by direct excision
Correction of a turtle neck by direct excision
Three phases of improvement
Three phases of improvement
Correction of the upper eyelids only
Correction of the upper eyelids only
A fresher look
A fresher look
Correction of protruding ears
Correction of protruding ears
A natural result after a foreheadlift without eyelid surgery
A natural result after a foreheadlift without eyelid surgery
Limited or direct browlift of the left brow (with the scar in the upper outer margin)
Limited or direct browlift of the left brow (with the scar in the upper outer margin)
Limited browlift on the left side by local excision
Limited browlift on the left side by local excision
Lateral view of a browlift
Lateral view of a browlift
Correction of protruding ears right more than left
Correction of protruding ears right more than left
Creating the fold of the ear cartilage
Creating the fold of the ear cartilage
Creating the fold of the cartilage
Creating the fold of the cartilage
Long-term wear of contact lenses can lead tot ptosis
Long-term wear of contact lenses can lead tot ptosis


The images in this gallery show the results of operations carried out by Dr. Timmenga. The photos are selected, but the images are not edited and therefore show real results. The patients shown have given permission for publication of their photographs on this website. The photographs may not be copied and published elsewhere without permission (copyright).


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Dr. E.J.F. Timmenga,  Plastic surgeon